

FoPD-2015 events in Ukraine

Series of lectures and tours at the M.M. Gryshko National Botanic Garden of NAS of Ukraine

All visitors will have the opportunity to learn about the features selection of ornamental plants that grow in gardens and greenhouses. Will hear the story of the original ways of using them. After the lectures, guests can enjoy fascinating tours of the garden.

Topics of lectures:

  • New World breeding of dahlias (Dahliya Cav.) and its agricultural technology.
  • Begonia: diversity and peculiarities of cultivation.
  • Dyeing plants: traditional and modern use.
  • Event format: lecture, guided tour.

    Day and Time: 20.05.2015, 10:00 - 16:00

    Place: Timiriazevska,1, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01014; M.M. Gryshko National Botanic Garden of NAS of Ukraine, building №6, conference hall.

    Extra link:

    Target audience: everybody, students, families with kids, scientists, tutors, florists, entrepreneurs, landscape designers.

    Olena Andrushchenko, PhD, Senior Researcher Department of new cultivars,, +380674092834
    Kykavskyi Ihor, senior engineer of tropical and subtropical plants department,, +380661205589

    Tips for visitors: Groups formed by prior registration. The meeting participants – at the administrative building at 9:45, 11:45 and 13:45.


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